News & Events

July 04, 2022

Community Shares | July 4th 2022

Community Shares:  IACC is holding a strategic plan working group meeting on July 13 and 14, 2022. Both meetings are from 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. EDT. The purpose of this meeting is for IACC members to discuss the 2021-2022 Strategic Plan for Autism Research, Services, and Policy, which is currently under development. Pre-registration for this […]

June 27, 2022

Increased Neurodevelopmental Risks for Offspring Whose Mothers Contracted COVID During Pregnancy

Concerning Study Reports that 6.3% of Fetuses Exposed to COVID In Utero Received a Developmental Diagnosis By 12 Months A new preliminary study has found that children born to mothers who tested positive for COVID-19 during pregnancy had an increased risk of a developmental disorder by one year of age. The study, conducted by a […]

June 27, 2022

Can Exposure to Cooking Oil Fumes in Pregnancy Be Linked to Autism-Like Behaviors in Preschool Children?

New Research from China Suggests It Can A team of Chinese researchers found that maternal cooking oil fumes (COF) exposure during pregnancy was associated with the presence of autism-like behaviors in their offspring by the time they reach preschool. The authors also discovered that the association depended on a dose-response relationship between the frequency of […]

June 27, 2022

Drumming Can Provide Behavioral Improvements for Young People with Autism

MRI Discovers Drum Training Synchronized Brain Regions, Preventing Impulsivity A team of British researchers recently investigated the impact of drum training on behavior and brain function in adolescents with autism who had no prior drumming experience. This study recruited thirty-six subjects, randomly assigned to one of two groups, a drumming group, and a control group. […]

June 27, 2022

Community Shares | June 27th 2022

Community Shares: The Autism Center Research Team at the Child Mind Institute is seeking parents of children between 18 and 48 months who are concerned with their child’s development, play, and/or social skills to participate in an NIMH-funded study on the association between brain development and behavior. The study includes behavioral assessments, parent interviews, parent […]

June 20, 2022

Children of Mothers with Type 1 Diabetes Have an Increased Risk of Developing Autism

About 22% of ASD Risk in Offspring Was Mediated Through Premature Birth Previous research has shown that children born to mothers with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) are at greater risk of developing autism. However, these earlier studies have not been able to decipher whether the risk is associated with pre-term birth, which affects approximately one-third […]

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