Community Shares | December 4th 2023
The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee has released its 2022 Report to Congress. The report provides an overview of coverage policies for supportive autism services under federal programs. It also describes activities and programs related to supportive services conducted by multiple federal departments and agencies, including agencies and offices within the Department of Health and Human […]
UK Research Shows a Lower Life Expectancy for Individuals with Autism
Men and Women with ASD and a Learning Disorder Die Almost 10 Years Earlier than Those without the Disorder A recent study published in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe has found that people diagnosed with autism and a learning disability in the United Kingdom are more likely to die prematurely than those without these […]
Vigorous Activity Rates Are Higher in Children with ASD than Neurotypical Controls
Kids on the Spectrum Also Spent Less Time Being Sedentary New research from scientists in Saudi Arabia has analyzed sedentary behavior and physical activity (PA) levels in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and compared those levels with typically developing (TD) children. Overall, the study found that the time spent in PA and total activity […]
Community Shares | November 27th 2023
A recent international study has explored autoantibody reactivity in the blood serum of individuals with ASD using a high-throughput assay. The authors discovered 29 autoantibodies that were differentially expressed in ASD. These differential autoantibodies were reactive against proteins involved in axonal guidance, synaptic function, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and chromatin binding. The researchers […]
Changing Autism Traits in Childhood Can Be Linked to Mental Health Conditions
Children Who Decreased Restrictive and Repetitive Behaviors Had Increased Anxiety A recent research article produced by the MIND Institute has discovered a link between changes in core autism traits and the development of additional mental health challenges during elementary school years. This work included 75 children on the spectrum between the ages of 6 and […]
Abnormal Mitochondrial Markers Found in Adults with Autism
Males with ASD Show More Marker Alterations than Females with ASD New research from Germany has examined the markers of mitochondrial metabolism in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and compared those markers to neurotypical controls (NTC). This study investigated potential mitochondrial dysfunction by assessing blood metabolite levels linked to mitochondrial metabolism. Specifically, blood levels […]