News & Events

August 08, 2022

Ultraprocessed Foods Linked to Cognitive Decline

Individuals Who Consume More than 20% of Calorie Intake from Ultraprocessed Foods Have Faster Rate of Harm The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Health (ELSA-Brasil) suggests that eating a diet high in ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) is harmful to the brain. This intriguing finding was presented last week at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2022. The ELSA […]

August 08, 2022

BRAVO Wireless pH Monitoring Device Can Evaluate GERD in Children with ASD

Wireless System Avoids Using the More Invasive Transnasal Catheter to Monitor GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common comorbid condition experienced by individuals with autism. For those on the spectrum who are also non-verbal, self-injurious behaviors often manifest due to pain or discomfort from GERD. However, diagnosing GERD in non-verbal children is challenging due […]

August 08, 2022

Community Shares | August 8th 2022

Community Shares: According to a recent study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, there is a slightly increased risk of autism for each week a child is born before or after 40 weeks of gestation. After analyzing data on more than 3.5 million babies born in Sweden, Finland, and Norway between 1995 and 2015, researchers […]

August 01, 2022

Community Shares | August 1st 2022

Community Shares: A new systematic review analyzing serotonin research claims that there is no convincing evidence that depression is associated with, or caused by, lower serotonin concentrations or activity. The research team behind this work states that most of the reviewed studies found no evidence of reduced serotonin activity in people with depression compared to […]

August 01, 2022

Top 10 Issues Regarding Autism and Employment

Advice for Helping an Adult with Autism Get a Job Verywell Health recently published a list of 10 issues that can help an adult with autism (or parents of adults with autism) understand the challenges they may face when searching for employment. This much-needed list also includes resources that can lend support when looking for […]

August 01, 2022

Eye Contact is Not Necessary for Joint Attention According to New Research

Finding Raises Question If Children with ASD Actually Have Joint Attention Deficits The ability to achieve joint attention is fundamental to a child’s development. It is a critical step that encompasses learning about environments, supporting language development, and object word learning. Joint attention has long been assumed to be impaired in children with autism, but […]

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