News & Events

June 07, 2021

Acetaminophen Use in Pregnancy May Increase the Risk of Autism and ADHD

Children Prenatally Exposed to Drug 19% More Likely to Develop ASD A recent meta-analysis involving over 73,000 mother-child pairs from six European population centers has discovered that children exposed to acetaminophen in the womb were 19% more likely to end up with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 21% more likely to exhibit […]

June 01, 2021

Community Shares | June 2nd

Community Shares: A new study has examined prior and co-occurring psychiatric diagnoses in men and women with autism. The research discovered that 50% of the cohort had at least one prior diagnosis and 59% had at least one co-occurring condition. Approximately 38% had at least one prior condition that was not retained after receiving an […]

June 01, 2021

New Congressional Effort Urges Increased Spending on Autism

Federal Funding for Autism Lags Far Behind Spending for Alzheimer’s and AIDS In a rare bipartisan request, members of congress are calling for the federal government to raise its investment in autism-related research and services by spending an additional $150 million on the disorder. In a recent letter to the leaders of the U.S. House […]

June 01, 2021

Low Levels of Maternal Vitamin D During Pregnancy Raises Risk of ADHD in Offspring

New Study Suggests Risk is 1.5 x More than Average For the first time, researchers have discovered that a low level of maternal vitamin D during the early stages of pregnancy increases the risk of the fetus developing clinically diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by adolescence. While previous research has linked vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy […]

June 01, 2021

Exercise Provides Beneficial Neurocognitive Effects for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Movement and Exertion Could Become a Treatment for Kids with Executive Dysfunction A new scientific research review article focusing on the effectiveness of exercise for children with neurodevelopmental disorders has recently been published in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Review.  In this review, an international team of scientists highlight the potential benefits of exercise to support the […]

June 01, 2021

Just 39% of Toddlers Who Fail ASD Screening Are Referred for Further Evaluation

Pediatricians More Likely to Act When Parents Express Concerns A new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics has found that many pediatricians are not referring toddlers who failed autism screenings for additional evaluation services. In fact, only 39% of toddlers who failed a screening looking for signs of autism were then referred on to […]

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