News & Events

June 06, 2022

Dental Sealants and Flouride Varnish Prevent Tooth Decay for Children with ASD

Long Term Study Shows Preventative Measures Work Better in Combination Children with autism often have poor oral health and are at greater risk for gingivitis, tooth decay, and cavities. To make matters worse, kids on the spectrum are frequently distressed at dental appointments since it often includes experiencing several noises, smells, vibrations, and visual stimuli […]

June 06, 2022

Community Shares | June 6th 2022

Community Shares: New research, using a rat model, suggests that sleep apnea experienced in the last trimester of pregnancy can cause maternal inflammation leading to neural and behavioral changes in offspring. These changes raise the risk for illnesses affecting the brain including schizophrenia and autism. The study pointed out that male pups were more likely […]

May 29, 2022

Upcoming Study Aims to Evaluate the Effects of Psilocybin on Adults with Autism

First-Ever Mechanistic Study Will Examine Psychedilic’s Impact on Specific Brain Pathways Over the past few years, psychedelics have shown acceptable safety and efficacy for treating various neuropsychiatric disorders. SafeMinds Shares has previously reported on studies investigating the potential benefits of psilocybin, a hallucinogenic/psychedelic substance, for treating depression, PTSD, and autism.  Now, a new study is […]

May 29, 2022

Oats Are Healthier and Cause Fewer Allergies Than Other Cereal Grains

Researchers Have Successfully Sequenced the Entire Oat Genome An international team of researchers under the leadership of Lund University in Sweden has recently sequenced the oat genome. The sequencing discovered that the oat genome is very complex compared to other cereals. This is a result of the genome’s size and structure, consisting of six sets […]

May 29, 2022

Eye Contact = Firing Neurons!

Neuronal Activation During Eye Gaze Occurs in the Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala Network A new Yale study has charted the neuronal response found in different brain regions during eye contact and social gaze interactions. The neurobiology of social perception has been studied before. These previous studies involved conducting brain scans on individuals as they look […]

May 29, 2022

Community Shares | May 30th 2022

Community Shares: A report presented at the 2022 International Society for Autism Research has found that more than 22% of women with autism are hospitalized for a psychiatric condition by age 25. This rate is five times higher than for neurotypical women and twice that of men with autism. Additionally, the analysis discovered by age […]

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