News & Events

January 17, 2022

Maryland State Department of Education Vows to Prevent Restraint and Seclusion Practices in Their Schools

Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint Praises the Department’s Effort  A group of parents, advocates, and educators called the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint (AASR) applauded the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) for issuing a press release last month pledging to take active measures to prevent the illegal and discriminatory use of restraint and seclusion […]

January 17, 2022

Oxygen Enriched Air Delivers a Beneficial Effect for Those with Depression

“Normobaric” Oxygen is Different from Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment  Individuals with autism are four times as likely to experience depression compared to people without the disorder. Given this statistic, a new pilot trial out of Israel is particularly relevant for the autism community. In the study, Israeli researchers discovered that treating mild to moderately depressed individuals […]

January 17, 2022

Infections During Pregnancy May Affect Fetus’ Brain Development and Primes Immune System for Inflammatory Attacks

Researchers May Have Found the Missing Link Between ASD and the Gut-Brain Connection   Through the use of mouse models, researchers from Harvard Medical School and MIT may have discovered the connection between autism and gut-brain dysfunction. The scientists behind this study found that infections during pregnancy can lead to high levels of the inflammatory signaling […]

January 10, 2022

A Tribute to Former SafeMinds Research Committee Member Gayle DeLong

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of former SafeMinds supporter Gayle DeLong. Gayle left us after a courageous battle with cancer. She leaves behind two daughters, Jennifer and Flora, and her husband, Jonathan. Also left behind are many friends in the autism community who are forever grateful for her contributions to […]

January 10, 2022

Largest Investment in Home and Community Based Services in Limbo

Disability Advocates Remain Optimistic   The $2 trillion Build Back Better Act was passed by the House of Representatives back in November. The bill is now stalled in the Senate. Democratic leaders had hoped the bill would be passed before Christmas, but the measure was sidelined when Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., stated that he could […]

January 10, 2022

Are Regulatory Agencies Approving Drugs Too Quickly?

Study Reports Clinical Trials Were Missing for Newly Approved ADHD Medication   According to a new study, regulatory agencies approved extended-release methylphenidate, a drug used to treat adult ADHD, without reviewing all relevant clinical trial documents. In fact, the study demonstrated that the omitted trials accounted for a median of 45% of all data from […]

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