Supplement Shows Significant Benefits for Individuals on the Spectrum
92% of Survey Participants Reported Positive Benefits from ANRC Vitamins Due to self-limiting diets, children and adults with autism can be particularly susceptible to nutritional insufficiencies and deficiencies. Additionally, these two groups may have an increased need for vitamin/mineral supplementation due to various metabolic disorders such as oxidative stress, methylation pathway insufficiencies, and mitochondrial disorders, […]
Community Shares | October 24th 2022
A recent review has summarized the current knowledge regarding phthalate migration from medical devices used during different medical procedures and the possible impacts of these exposures on patient health. This review was particularly concerned with premature infants’ exposure to phthalates in intensive care units due to constant contact with feeding tubes, endotracheal tubes, and umbilical […]
Department of Education Reminds Schools of Personnel Qualifications under IDEA
Memo States Special Education Teacher Shortage Is Not Reason to Cut Credentials or Expertise The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) recently sent a memo to all State Directors of Special Education reminding them of their obligation to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students with disabilities. […]
Community Shares | October 17th 2022
Autism Parenting Magazine recently published an informative article examining childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) and how it varies from ASD. CDD is a rare condition where children experience developmental delays and lose skills after two or three years old. It affects 1 in 100,000 boys. Only one girl will be affected for every eight boys diagnosed […]
Do Children with Eczema or Atopic Conditions Have More Severe Autism?
Study Shows Atopic Children Were 2.3 Times More Likely to Display Severe ASD Symptoms Previous research has shown that children with autism are more likely to have eczema and atopic diseases—prevalence estimates among children with autism range from 7% to 64.2%. A new study has examined whether children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and atopic […]
PFAS Exposure in Early Childhood Linked with Increased Odds of ASD
Other Conditions Associated, Including Developmental Delay, Reduced Cognitive Ability, and Reduced Adaptive Ability By using data from 551 children, ages 2-5 years old, in the CHildhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment (CHARGE) study, a group of researchers set out to examine if per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were associated with increased odds of developing […]