Psychology Today Op-Ed Challenges Assumptions about Autism Diagnoses in Adults
A new op-ed in Psychology Today takes a closer look at the recent JAMA study on autism rates from 2011-2022, challenging popular interpretations of its findings on diagnostic trends among adults and children.
Community Shares | November 18th 2024
- New British research has explored the prevalence of physical health conditions in individuals with autism compared to a control group without autism or mental health conditions.
- A new study published in ACS Nano demonstrates a promising biomedical tool that delivers genetic material to fetal brain cells, potentially halting the progression of neurodevelopmental disorders like Angelman syndrome and Rett syndrome before birth.
- Egyptian researchers recently analyzed the gut microbiome composition in children with ASD compared to typically developing (TD) children, emphasizing species-level analysis.
- Autism BrainNet, a program of the Simons Foundation, reported a 39% increase in brain donations from 2022-2023 compared to the previous three years, aiding critical autism research.
Higher Suicide Risk Discovered Among Transgender, Nonbinary, and ASD College Students
A new study from Rutgers University has explored the relationship between gender identity, autism, and the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs) among a large, diverse sample of U.S. college students.
Research Demonstrates Improved Outcomes for Some Who Lose Autism Diagnosis
A recent study examined individuals who no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), comparing their characteristics and psychiatric profiles with those of individuals with ASD and typically developing (TD) peers.
Lower Folate Levels Linked to Higher Autism Risk From Prenatal Lead Exposure
New research has discovered that the association between gestational blood lead levels (BLLs) and autistic-like behaviors in young children was stronger when folate levels, either through plasma concentrations or folic acid (FA) supplementation, were lower.
Community Shares | November 4th 2024
This week’s articles:
- A new meta-analysis found that long-term exercise interventions have positive effects on children and adolescents with ASD, especially in enhancing social skills.
- A recent study from the University of Montreal reveals that social interactions between individuals with autism and neurotypical people differ in brain activity and behavioral dynamics compared to interactions between two neurotypical individuals.
- A cohort study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that children exposed to cannabis during pregnancy showed poorer executive function and increased aggressive behavior by age 5.
- Recent research on early autism interventions reveals both progress and setbacks. While advancements include more rigorous science and multidisciplinary insights, declining focus on children with severe disabilities leaves those most in need underserved.