Greater Risk of Substance Use Disorders for Adolescents with Autism
Individuals Treated with Prescription Drugs for Behaviors Have a Lower Risk for Substance Abuse A new study from Taiwan found that substance use disorder (SUD) was more prevalent in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than in sex-and age-matched nuerotypical controls. Additionally, this research discovered that individuals with autism who abuse alcohol or illicit drugs […]
Nearly Two-Thirds of Parents Report COVID-19 Service Disruptions Worsened ASD Symptoms in Their Children
Over Three-Quarters of Parents Experienced Moderate to Extreme Stress Over Service Interruptions A survey of 3502 parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) conducted by Simons Powering Autism Research for Knowledge (SPARK) has demonstrated that most individuals on the spectrum experienced significant disruptions to their therapies and programs during last spring’s stay-at-home orders. The […]
Yale Autism Study Draws Criticism for Tormenting Toddlers
Research on Emotional Regulation Draws Ethic Concerns A new study from Yale University titled, “Attend Less, Fear More: Elevated Distress to Social Threat in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder” sparked a firestorm of criticism from thousands of people on social media. The unusual research investigated how toddlers (42 with autism and 22 neurotypical) responded to […]
Reduced Gut Mucus May Contribute to Autism
Mucus Defends Against Bad Bacteria in the Gastrointestinal Tract Bacterial imbalances of the gastrointestinal tract and other gut disorders have long been associated with autism. Although the reasons for these gastrointestinal problems have remained unclear. Now, recent research out of RMIT University in Australia suggests that changes in gut mucus may play a role in […]
New Longitudinal Study Shows Big Brains Linked to Autism
Rate of White Matter Development During Childhood Also Linked to ASD Two new studies from UC Davis’ MIND Institute point to possible subtypes of autism associated with brain size and white matter development. The first research involved a longitudinal study that followed the same children from diagnosis to adolescence. The study’s authors used magnetic resonance […]
Adolescents with Autism Experience IQ Increases with Age
Long-Term Study Shows Average Increase of 7.48 IQ points between ages 12 and 23 IQ tests are standardized for each age group. For the general population, scores typically do not change over time. However, a recent British study showed that IQs rise with age for individuals with autism. This over a decade-long study involved 126 […]