News & Events

July 19, 2021

Adults with Autism at Higher Risk for Problematic Internet Use & Gaming Disorder

Impulse Control and Response Inhibition Deficits Can Lead to Internet & Gaming Addictions The majority of the 21 research articles included in a new systematic literature review have found positive associations between problematic internet use (PIU) and gaming disorder (GD) for adults with autism. Immediately into this research, the review’s authors needed to determine abnormal […]

July 12, 2021

Community Shares | July 13

It took a full two years, but IACC has finally seated a new committee. The new members will serve a three-year term, ending in 2024. The first meeting of the newly appointed committee will take place virtually on July 21-22, 2021. It will be open to the public via webcast.   The Child Mind Institute tackles […]

July 12, 2021

Presentation of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Adults with Autism

Life Transitions and Interpersonal Conflicts Common Antecedents for Suicidal Ideation  An exploratory study out of Canada is the first to examine clinical presentations of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB) in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In order to conduct this study, a research team performed a retrospective chart review of visits to a psychiatric […]

July 12, 2021

Lead Lingers in London After 22 Years of Leaded Fuel Ban

Up to 40% of Lead in Airborne Particles Come from Dirty Gasoline Legacy  When London banned leaded gasoline in 1999, the city’s air quality improved dramatically. London currently meets the United Kingdom’s air quality standards. However, according to new research, airborne particles found in the city are still heavily lead-enriched. In a recent study, published […]

July 12, 2021

Antidepressants Deemed Safe During Pregnancy for Mother and Baby

Although Maternal Psychiatric Conditions Increase the Risk for ASD  According to new research published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications during pregnancy is not associated with a higher risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or developmental delays (DD) in offspring. SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants […]

July 06, 2021

Community Shares | July 7th

Susan A. Daniels, Ph.D., will serve as Acting National Autism Coordinator starting July 1, 2021. Previous National Autism Coordinator, Ann E. Wagner, Ph.D. retired from federal service on June 30, 2021. Dr. Daniels will remain in the coordinator role until a permanent successor is named. Results from a small phase 2 clinical trial showed that […]

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