News & Events

August 23, 2021

Sensorimotor Distinctions for People with Autism

Key Difference Exhibited in Rapid Processing Sensory Feedback Sensorimotor skills involve the process of receiving sensory messages (sensory input) and producing a response (motor output). This process is the basis of many abilities, everything from handwriting to zipping up a coat to language development. Sensorimotor skills have significant implications for education and independence over a […]

August 23, 2021

Relationship Between Environmental Factors for Children with Autism

Research from Cyprus Identifies Various Maternal and Neonatal Factors Linked to ASD  Last month, SafeMinds Shares reported on nine new research papers that investigated environmental factors during prenatal and neonatal periods. These studies associated inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, chlorpyrifos, lead, methylation problems, low vitamin D levels, and PFAS exposure as possible culprits for the […]

August 23, 2021

Transitioning Students with ASD Back to On-Campus Learning

UC Davis MIND Institute Experts Offer Advice for a Smooth Change Heading back to school this year is going to be unique for all students. But it will be especially unique for kids with autism, who are more likely to experience extra challenges while transitioning back to full-day classroom learning. To assist with this change […]

August 16, 2021

Community Shares | Aug 17th

Google and Stanford are teaming up to hire more individuals on the spectrum. Through an initiative called Google Cloud’s Autism Career Program, the company will work with experts from the Stanford Neurodiversity Project to train approximately 500 Google Cloud managers and others to effectively work with candidates who have autism.  The National Academies of Sciences, […]

August 16, 2021

Premature Birth and Autism Strongly Connected

“Dose Response” Relationship Identified by Large Swedish Study Over 40 years of Swedish birth and health data has demonstrated a strong correlation between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and premature delivery, according to a new analysis published in Pediatrics. This national cohort study used records from all 4,061,795 singleton infants born in Sweden between 1973-2013, who […]

August 16, 2021

Puppets Shown to Attract and Hold the Attention of Kids with Autism

Yale Study Suggests Using Puppets as a Social Therapy Tool Difficulties with making eye contact and keeping attention with social partners is one of the early hallmarks of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). New research from the Yale Child Study Center set out to address these common problems for young children on the spectrum. The center […]

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