News & Events

November 21, 2022

Community Shares | November 21st 2022

Research from Australia recently investigated how maternal autoimmune disease during pregnancy and early childhood infections influence a child’s brain development. The study discovered that having a mother with an autoimmune disease during pregnancy or being admitted to the hospital with an infection before age two increases a child’s odds of developing ASD. Surprisingly, children exposed […]

November 21, 2022

Meta-Analysis Reveals an Association between Autism and Gender Dysphoria/Incongruence

Evidence of a Link Should Raise Awareness of the Condition and Generate Screenings The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders published a new study that shows a link between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gender dysphoria/incongruence (GD/GI). The authors performed a meta-analysis that included 47 separate studies; five were conducted with children, 13 with children […]

November 21, 2022

Tips for a Sensory-Friendly Thanksgiving for Kids with Autism

Preparation Is Important for a Successful Gathering The holidays are often overwhelming for children on the spectrum due to busy traveling schedules, social gatherings, and different environments, which are often filled with new scents and new food. To have the most successful holiday experience, the Autism Society of Los Angeles shared five fantastic tips for […]

November 14, 2022

Community Shares | November 14th 2022

A new case study examined the effect of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) on the gut microbiome of a 19-year-old with autism and motor dyspraxia. Contents of the FMT were obtained from a sibling donor. After the procedure, researchers found significant decreases in harmful gut bacteria and increases in beneficial gut bacteria in the teen. Incredibly, […]

November 14, 2022

Pet Ownership Linked to Better Mental Health Outcomes in Adults with Autism

New Research Shows Pets Help Manage Mood and Socializing for Those on the Spectrum British researchers have recently released a mixed-methods study investigating companion animal attachment for adults with autism. This research involved 735 adults, 326 of whom had autism. Study participants completed questionnaires that evaluated their social behaviors, autistic traits, and other factors. Pet […]

November 14, 2022

Age of Autism Diagnosis Improves Across Racial and Ethnic Lines

New Research Shows Age of Diagnosis Consistent Across Racial and Ethnic Groups Racial disparities in autism prevalence and age of autism diagnosis have been highlighted in the autism community for years. Previous research showed that White children were approximately 19% more likely than Black children and 65% more likely than Hispanic children to be diagnosed […]

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