Tracking Devices vs. Wanderers
Wandering and elopement are serious co-occurring conditions for half of children with autism. Locator devices, barriers to elopement, and working with local first responders can help keep your child safe. So can working with your child to understand the reasons behind his or her need to elope. Senator Schumer’s Avonte’s Law will help our community […]
SafeMinds Research for Autism Health
A study in Environmental Health Perspectives by Emily C. Somers and colleagues found that women of childbearing age with higher mercury levels in hair or blood were at much higher risk of developing antinuclear antibodies, a marker of autoimmunity.
Pesticides in Produce
Consumer Reports’ new guidelines show you how to make the best choices for your health—and for the environment. Across America, confusion reigns in the supermarket aisles about how to eat healthfully. One thing on shopper’s minds: the pesticides in produce. In fact, a recent Consumer Reports survey of 1,050 people found that pesticides are a […]
What’s Good for the Gut is Good for the Brain: A New Perspective on Autism
A global scientific conference on gut microbiota took place this week in Spain. Presenter Elaine Hsiao explained that autism is often marked by GI disturbance and in an animal model of autism, symptoms can be reversed with microbiome rebalancing. What’s good for the gut is good for the brain: A new perspective on autism Read more here.
It’s Not Someone Else’s Problem
It’s not someone else’s problem. It’s not: Oh, look at that mom over there whose child is shrieking and kicking her in the face. Poor lady. He must have autism. Or: Too bad for those parents whose daughter has a list of life-threatening allergies that’s two pages long. You know the little girl I’m talking […]
Could scented hand lotion make several middle school children nauseous?
By Lynda Knobeloch, Ph.D., SafeMinds Guest Blogger I used to enjoy shopping. I rarely read labels and bought the tried and true brands I had grown up with along with a few newly formulated products. As a young mom, I trusted that the foods, household cleaners, furnishings and personal care products I purchased were safe […]