News & Events

March 29, 2018

Autism’s Co-Occurring Conditions: Time to Act

The evidence is piling up on the severe burden of health problems that accompany autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These problems are often unrecognized and not addressed. According to a new study from scientists with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), “the high prevalence and diversity of co-occurring conditions/symptoms in ASD suggest the need for a comprehensive system of care for these children.”

March 29, 2018

Make A Difference – Safe Water Matters

By Jackie Lombardo, SafeMinds Research Committee Member You’ve likely been reading more about lead in drinking water since the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Yes, lead is bad. Too many cases of preventable lead poisoning continue to occur in the U.S. Rich, poor, old, and young; it doesn’t matter. Lead affects us all. Here’s what you […]

March 29, 2018

Cannabis for Autism: Biological Clue to Effectiveness

Many parents are reporting success using cannabis for their child with autism. A new study by researchers at Stanford University gives a clue to why cannabis might be effective for the person with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study, “Plasma anandamide concentrations are lower in children with autism spectrum disorder,” found reduced amounts of a neuromodulator, anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA), in the blood of 60 children with ASD compared to 56 neurotypical control children. The children were ages 3-12 years. The ASD group had a confirmed autism diagnosis. The typical controls had no history of neurodevelopmental or mental health problems.

March 28, 2018

Let Your Voice Be Heard at Upcoming IACC Meeting in April

Are you satisfied with the Federal government’s handling of autism issues? What should the Federal government do for those with autism, families facing autism, and those at risk for developing autism? What should the Federal government’s priorities be for autism research, treatments, supports, services, safety, insurance coverage, housing and employment? What do you want the […]

March 23, 2018

Kevin and Avonte’s Law Signed into Law Today as Part of the Omnibus Spending Act of 2018

SafeMinds is excited to announce that Kevin and Avonte’s Law, which provides $2 million in funding for training law enforcement, schools, and other community organizations to prevent and address wandering in people with developmental disabilities and people with Alzheimer’s Disease, has passed both houses of Congress and is on its way to be signed into law by President Trump. The legislation can be found on page 1937 of the Omnibus Spending Act of 2018.

February 06, 2018

Make a Difference: Kevin and Avonte’s Law

SafeMinds has been ardently advocating for Kevin and Avonte’s Law for two years now. This bill provides much-needed training for law enforcement and other community groups, including schools, on preventing and addressing wandering in people with developmental disabilities. It also provides funding for the voluntary use of non-permanent, non-invasive tracking devices for children with developmental […]

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