News & Events

September 17, 2018

Less Than Two Weeks Until Fashion Rocks Autism Fun!! Get Your Tickets Online Today!

Get set to have a rocking good time while supporting SafeMinds, a Baltimore-based, national autism nonprofit! Fashion Rocks Autism is not to be missed! Enjoy the hour-long, pre-show reception with unlimited food and open bar, exciting silent and live auctions, a first-class fashion show, an energetic rock concert, and great trunk show. SafeMinds is pleased to offer […]

August 29, 2018

Fashion Rocks Autism: Much More than Glitter, Guitars, and Glam. But A Lot of That, Too!

Summer is almost over, and it’s ok if the sun is going down at the beach, because the lights are coming up on the Fashion Rocks Autism stage! In less than one month, fashion, rock n’ roll, and charity collide for the annual Fashion Rocks Autism fundraiser. The event will take place on Friday, September 28th from […]

August 27, 2018

SafeMinds Board Vice President Dr. Michael Cummings, M.D., Spearheads Successful Mental Health Services Program for Families Facing Autism

  Research shows that up to 56 percent of people with autism aggress against their caregivers, and that autism mothers have been shown to have the same level of stress as combat soldiers. There are few resources and support services available to meet the behavioral and mental health needs of the growing population of people with autism, […]

May 24, 2018

Autism Prevalence – Examining the Myths and Truths

SafeMinds interviews the New Jersey investigator for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) autism prevalence report of 1 in 59 children, examining the truths and myths behind the latest numbers from the Federal Government. The big news for May was the release of new autism prevalence numbers from the Federal Government. The CDC study by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) found that 1 in 59 children have autism, up from the 1 in 68 they reported just two years ago. This alarming increase compelled SafeMinds to call for an emergency meeting with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Along with other autism organizations, SafeMinds is demanding a Federal Autism Strategic Plan that address the urgent crisis of autism.

May 24, 2018

Autism & Mental Health: Problems & Solutions

Two new studies point to higher and growing healthcare costs for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) across the lifespan, particularly in the area of mental health. A new model program in New York might have an answer to this critical problem. A new study reports that children with autism were up to 30 times more likely to use emergency departments (ED) than youth without ASD. Many of those visits were for non-urgent ED visits, which is a costly way to provide routine healthcare. Up to 13 percent of visits were for behavioral or psychiatric problems, far more than for children without autism, for whom less than two percent of visits were for psychiatric problems. Youth with ASD were also likely to have repeat visits to the ED and more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric unit or medical floor. The study was a review of the literature published between 1985 and 2016.

May 24, 2018

The Constant Worry of Wandering & Elopement

A news report from ABC Affiliate WMAR in Baltimore focuses on the dangers of wandering and elopement by children with autism. “There was no sign (of him) and it was as if the world just stopped”, recounts autism mom Tonia Ferguson on the day she woke up and her son was missing. It’s a fearful […]

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