Many Students with ASD Have Varying Behaviors at School and Home

October 18, 2021

Some Do Better at Home and Others Do Better at School

It is quite normal for children to behave differently in different settings. But for children who have autism, anxiety disorders, or other special needs; their behavior can vary much more than typical children. This is especially true when comparing behaviors these special kids exhibit at home versus school. A new article by the Child Mind Institute examines this topic and investigates why certain children do better at school and why some are better off at home. The piece suggests that some children, especially those with autism, benefit from the consistency, structure, and predictability, and routine the school day provides. For children with ASD that thrive on these parameters, school can be a place of order and solace.  Interestingly, the piece points out that some children with ASD appear to do well in school settings but in reality, they are merely suppressing their symptoms at school. Many times these students end up melting down at home, where they have the freedom to be “their worst selves.” Conversely, there are types of students with autism who are far less stressed at home and therefore behave better in their residence. For these kids, the academic and social demands of school are beyond what they face in their homes. They get to school and struggle with low frustration levels, social anxiety, and the inability to partake in self-stimulatory behaviors. In order to help kids manage between these two worlds, it is important to remember that collaboration between the home and school settings is critical. Communicating what is working well in the preferred setting can be used to help with the other setting. The article additionally advocates for a transition time between the two settings giving children a chance to decompress. Lastly, the article suggests that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of treatment that can assist students to learn self-regulation skills and cope with the back and forth demands of existing in two different settings. 

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