News & Events

August 28, 2023

Review Shows Children with ASD Have Higher Levels of Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic and Mercury

Authors Suggest Kids with Autism May Have a Reduced Ability to Excrete Heavy Metals Researchers from China have recently conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 53 studies that explore the association between exposure to four heavy metals: cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg), and the occurrence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) […]

mother at computer with child
August 21, 2023

Community Shares | August 21st 2023

A recent Canadian population-based study found that individuals with autism have higher rates of self-harm events leading to emergency health care and suicide death than people without the disorder, for both males and females. Females on the spectrum showed the highest cumulative self-harm events, followed by males with autism, neurotypical females, and neurotypical males. Males […]

closeup of an eye
August 21, 2023

Potential Blindness Linked to Restrictive Eating Habits of Children with ASD

Research Shows that Vitamin A Supplementation Can Reverse Eye Damage Xerophthalmia is a disease that causes dry eyes due to a vitamin A deficiency (VAD).  If the condition goes untreated, xerophthalmia can lead to night blindness and cornea damage, which carries the risk of total blindness. This disease is rare in the United States but […]

August 21, 2023

Preterm Birth Complications May Not Become Apparent Until School Age

Review Urges Clinicians Not to Miss Therapy Opportunities for Children Born Premature Children born before 37 weeks of gestation are considered preterm. Unfortunately, these children risk developing neurodevelopmental, cognitive and mental health issues later in life. A team of British researchers has recently conducted a review highlighting the developmental needs of children born preterm, focusing […]

woman using a laptop
August 14, 2023

Community Shares | August 14th 2023

A new interview with Dr. Judy Van de Water, discusses the new test MARAbio designed to detect and prevent Maternal Autoantibody Related Autism (MARA). The MARAbio test is based on a proprietary set of autoantibodies that are present in the blood of a significant percentage (20%) of mothers with children on the spectrum. Van de […]

August 14, 2023

New Research Shows Service Dogs Don’t Just Benefit Individuals with Autism

Companion Dogs Provide Strength, Stability and Enhanced Social Functioning for the Entire Family Researchers affiliated with the University of Arizona recently explored the experiences of caretakers of children with autism who are involved in a service dog program (Canine Companions). Their qualitative study discovered that a service dog’s benefit goes beyond the impacted child and […]

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