Research Articles

February 21, 2022

Changes in the Amygdala Linked to Anxiety in Individuals with Autism

The MIND Institute Now Recognizes a Distinct Autism-Related Type of Anxiety The amygdala is a small, almond-shaped structure found deep within the temporal lobe of the brain. It plays a role in processing emotion and fear and has been associated to both autism and anxiety. Now, a long-term study involving hundreds of brain scans has […]

February 21, 2022

Could Childhood Infections be Associated with Autism?

New Research Suggests Infections Can Contribute to Autism and Intellectual Disability  A team of Swedish researchers set out to explore the associations between early childhood infections and later diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID), in an attempt to understand whether any observed associations varied by their co-occurrence, age at infection, or […]

February 14, 2022

Anorexia Before or During Pregnancy Could Be Tied to ASD in Offspring

Women Experiencing Anorexia During Pregnancy Are 4 Times More Likely to Have a Child with Autism New research from Sweden has shown that women with anorexia nervosa before or during pregnancy have a greater chance of having a child with autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Previously, eating disorders in individuals on the spectrum have […]

February 07, 2022

Adults with Autism Explain Sources of Childhood Trauma

Individuals on the Spectrum Experience Trauma Differently than the Neurotypical It makes sense that individuals with autism encounter and experience childhood trauma differently than those not on the spectrum. However, little research has been conducted that demonstrates how this trauma differs for people with autism. A study published last month examined this compelling topic. A […]

February 07, 2022

Toddler Boys Exposed to Screens for At Least 2 Hours a Day Are More Likely to be Diagnosed with ASD at Age 3

However, Critics Find Fault with Study’s Design Japanese researchers recently conducted a study which concluded that toddler boys who are exposed to screens for at least two hours a day are three and a half times more likely to be diagnosed with autism by age three. This study’s design involved recruiting 84,000 pregnant women from […]

February 07, 2022

Alterations in Cell Environment Can Trigger Autism in the Genetically Susceptible

Study Provides More Evidence that Genes, Environment and Inflammation Are Tied to ASD A breakthrough study developed from a team of researchers out of the University of Geneva (UNIGE), has demonstrated how a change in cell environment can trigger the development of autistic symptoms in mice with a genetic vulnerability. According to a News Medical […]

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