Research Articles

May 02, 2022

Neuroplacentology: the Study of Connections Between the Placenta and Brain Disorders

New Area of Research Could Be Important for Autism Spectrum Magazine recently published a fascinating interview with Anna Penn, an associate professor of pediatrics at Columbia University who coined the term “neuroplacentology ” a decade ago.  Simply put, neuroplacentology is an emerging research area which explores the influences of the placenta on normal and pathological […]

May 02, 2022

Prenatal Maternal Autoimmune Disease Linked to a 16% Increased Risk of Mental Disorders in Offspring

Common Maternal Autoimmune Diseases Include Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and Psoriasis  A group of international researchers recently set out to answer the question, “Is prenatal maternal autoimmune disease associated with an increased long-term risk of mental disorders in offspring?” The study’s authors began their research by acknowledging that maternal immune activation […]

April 25, 2022

The Catastrophic Combination of Autism, Poverty, and Race on Health Outcomes

New Report Finds Over Half of Children with ASD Live in Low-Income Households  The Autism Intervention Network on Physical Health (AIR-P), a subdivision within UCLA Health’s Department of Medicine, has released a report examining the intersection of autism, poverty, and race/ethnicity. The report specifically looked at how this combination impacts health and health care of […]

April 25, 2022

A Down Syndrome Advantage in Special Needs Parenting?

Study Finds that Marriages Dealing with Down Syndrome Have Less Stress than Marriages Managing Autism  Parenting a child with any type of developmental disability is generally recognized as a situation which causes varying levels of stress on mothers and fathers. Recently, new research has investigated how this additional stress affects special needs parents’ marriages. In […]

April 25, 2022

Increased Cancer Risk Before Age 30 Identified in Some Individuals with Autism

Risk Linked to Those Who Have Co-Occurring Intellectual Disability and/or Birth Defects  A study out of Sweden has discovered that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who have comorbid intellectual disability (ID) and/or birth defects were at a higher risk of developing cancer in early life (before age 30) compared to those without ASD. This […]

April 18, 2022

Altered Gut Microbiota in Children with Autism

New Study Provides Further Evidence that Gut Microbial Dysbiosis is Linked to ASD  New research from China demonstrates that children with autism carry altered gut bacteria compared to children without the disorder. The authors of this new study started their research by recognizing many previous works have already tied altered gut microbiota to autism spectrum […]

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