
October 13, 2020

10 Tips to Manage Challenges of Mask Wearing

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, there will be times when mask-wearing in public may become necessary. Mask-wearing is uncomfortable for almost everyone, but by adding autism and sensory defensiveness into the mix, this public health requirement can become downright miserable. Below are a few suggestions to make wearing face masks easier for children on the spectrum.

August 26, 2020

New Study Links Autism and Melatonin System Disturbances

The majority of individuals with autism have low melatonin levels which can lead to a myriad of conditions including sleep disturbances, emotional regulation disorders, sensory processing dysfunction, inflammation throughout the body and gastrointestinal disorders. A new study out of China believes that understanding the interplay between abnormal melatonin levels and symptoms and conditions experienced at the onset of autism is associated and could lead to novel therapeutic strategies for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

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