Could There Be an Autism Full Employment Act in 2021?
A recent column in Forbes started by reporting on the country’s economic recovery, and ended up focusing on the lack of employment initiatives for adults with autism in current or past pandemic stimulus bills. Forbes suggested that due to this oversight, a bill focused exclusively on employing adults with autism will be necessary in 2021.
Federal Civil Rights Commission Urges End to Subminimum Wage
Since 1938, a provision in Section 14 (c) of the Fair Labor Standards permitted employers to obtain certificates from the Department of Labor which allowed paying individuals with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage. Cities and states across the nation that are uncomfortable with this provision have imposed restrictions to stop this practice.
Michigan Autism Organization Sets Lofty 10-Year Employment Goal
The Autism Alliance of Michigan (AAoM), a non-profit organization whose mission is to raise expectations and expand opportunities for people touched by autism across their lifespan, has just set an extraordinary goal of creating 101,000 jobs for adults on the spectrum over the next ten years.