Research Articles

April 26, 2021

Mobility Device Shows Promise for Perioperative Transfers for Children with ASD

Multi-position Configuration Mobile Chair-Bed Could Make Medical and Dental Procedures Less Traumatizing Guiding a typical child through a needed medical or dental procedure is challenging on its own, but managing a child with autism through a similar procedure can prove exceptionally stressful. Changes in routine, unfamiliar people, strange lights, new noises are all stressors that […]

April 26, 2021

Yale May Have Discovered Reason for the Female Protective Effect

Girls Require a Larger “Genetic Hit” than Boys to Develop ASD A recent Yale-led study has discovered that autism develops in different areas of the brain for  girls than it does for boys. The researchers involved in this study also found that girls have a larger number of genetic mutations than boys suggesting that females […]

April 26, 2021

New Report Details California’s Continuous Swell of Autism Cases

30 Years of Data Exposes ASD as a Massive and Escalating Health Crisis The National Council on Severe Autism (NCSA) along with Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area (SFASA) issued a shocking report earlier this month documenting California’s relentless surge of autism cases. Using data obtained from the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS), their […]

April 19, 2021

Sensory Sensitivities Linked to Sleep Disturbances in Preschool Children with ASD

Study Finds Sleep Quality Related to Sensory Issues, Not Cognitive Abilities or Autism Severity  An Israeli autism sleep study focusing on young children has come to a surprising conclusion. Sleep disturbances experienced by preschoolers are tied to sensory sensitivities and not linked to their cognitive abilities or even the severity of their autism symptoms. Previous […]

April 19, 2021

Age 6 Could Represent a Key Developmental Point for Kids with Autism

Study Finds 2 Trajectories: Continuously Improving & Improving then Plateauing Researchers from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada have recently found that the severity of autism traits decrease for most children on the spectrum from age 3 to 6. Sadly, their new long-term study also shows that this positive developmental trajectory does not hold steady. Progress […]

April 12, 2021

Therapeutic Horseback Riding Programs Prove Beneficial for Children on the Spectrum

Improvements Detected in Social Interactions and Communication Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) have been viewed as an alternative therapeutic approach for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Previous research has recognized AAI as a structured and goal-directed intervention that connects kids on the spectrum to nature, the environment, and animals.  Now, a new study out of China […]

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