Make A Difference – Safe Water Matters

March 29, 2018

By Jackie Lombardo, SafeMinds Research Committee Member

You’ve likely been reading more about lead in drinking water since the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Yes, lead is bad. Too many cases of preventable lead poisoning continue to occur in the U.S. Rich, poor, old, and young; it doesn’t matter. Lead affects us all.

Here’s what you need to know:

The effects of lead are permanent, but lead poisoning is preventable.


SafeMinds believes we can start in the place children spend 7-10 hours per day, five days a week—their school buildings. Parents, school administrators, and teachers must be assured the potable water in their schools is safe for children and staff.

Why start there? Unhealthy school buildings can adversely affect children’s health, attendance, concentration, and performance. Also, the water in a school is often more likely to be contaminated than water in a home. Schools close for long periods, leaving water sitting in the pipes. Stagnant water creates conditions that intensify the lead problem.

On January 13, 2017, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) lowered the blood lead reference level for children, aligning their standard with the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

SafeMinds understands prevention is key. School districts, on a national level, must be required to test potable water for lead in their buildings. It’s necessary, easy, and can be expected to increase attendance, concentration, and academic performance.

Simple testing helps keep kids out of special education.

What You Can Do—Make a Difference!

Do you know if your state requires testing of lead in school drinking water? If it doesn’t, ask your representative if your state has legislation requiring testing of lead in school drinking water.

If not, write a bill. Seriously. You can do it with the sample below. Then take your bill to your local representative to ask he/she to sponsor it. It’s that easy.

Here’s the simple sample bill:

Requires school districts to test potable water for lead in schools:

Protecting our children is everyone’s job. Join us in being a part of the solution.

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