New Study Reveals COVID-19 Restrictions Greatly Affected Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

September 29, 2020

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Caregiver Survey Reported Losses of Educational and Healthcare Services

Researchers from UCLA, Rutgers University and the National Institute of Mental Health recently released a study showing that individuals with developmental disabilities have experienced critical losses of educational and medical therapies since the coronavirus stay-at-home orders began last March.  By using a survey in which 818 caregivers responded, the researchers established that since restrictions began, 74% of respondents reported losing at least one therapy or educational service and 36% lost access to a healthcare provider. Perhaps even more disturbing, only 56% of respondents reported that their child had at least some continued education through remote learning. Implying that the other  44% were not receiving any educational services at all. Caregivers also disclosed that while utilizing telehealth (both telemedicine and tele-education) was helpful, supplemental assistance such as 1:1 video conference sessions and access to 1:1 aides inside the home increased success.

Original Study

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