High-Dose Vitamin B6 May Improve Sensory and Motor Issues for Those with Sensory Over-Responsivity

September 09, 2024

Study Finds Vitamin B6 Enhances Brain Balance, Suggests Benefits for Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety Conditions

A new British study has found that high-dose Vitamin B6 supplementation may improve sensory hyperreactivity and motor control issues in individuals with sensory over-responsivity by altering the brain’s excitation-inhibition (E-I) balance. This improvement is achieved by increasing the inhibitory GABA levels and reducing excitatory glutamate levels, as demonstrated in both animal models and human participants. In contrast, the study discovered that Vitamin B12 showed no such benefits, suggesting that the effects are specific to Vitamin B6. This research also highlighted potential improvements in postural control and coordination, indicating that Vitamin B6 could be particularly beneficial for addressing motor issues often accompanying sensory hyperreactivity. Given that sensory over-responsivity is common in conditions such as autism, ADHD, and anxiety, these findings suggest a wide potential application. However, due to the risk of peripheral neuropathy at high doses, medical supervision is essential, and further studies are necessary to determine the optimal dose and ensure long-term safety.

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