August 28, 2023
- The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is reinvestigating retrospective observational data suggesting a potential risk of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) in children conceived by fathers taking valproate medicines. Initial results of this study indicated an increased risk of NDDs in children born to men taking valproate in the three months before conception. However, significant data limitations were identified by the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee. IQVIA ran the study into the drugs, which are used to treat epilepsy, bipolar disorder and migraines and approved for use in the EU and US. The EMA is now reviewing observational data comparing the risk of NDDs, such as autism and congenital malformations, in children born to fathers taking valproate drugs to the risk in children born to men taking other epilepsy treatments, such as lamotrigine or levetiracetam to determine the risk.
- Researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute have received a $4.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Mental Health to study community-based interventions for autism in children. The five-year grant will enable experts to train behavior analysts in community agencies to use the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), a comprehensive intervention for children with autism aged 1-4 that addresses all areas of development and emphasizes communication and social interaction through everyday activities. ESDM differs from more structured approaches because it ensures the child is involved in meaningful interactions with caregivers, and the child’s interests drive teaching. The researchers will partner with at least two agencies to provide applied behavior analysis and create “micro-learnings,” or short videos that therapists can access on mobile devices.
- The Child Mind Institute has a new series of articles that explore how school staff and parents can help neurodiverse students with issues like handling intense feelings, staying organized, and making friends. The series also looks at early signs of learning challenges and offers additional back-to-school tips for children who have struggled with learning. The institute also extends other tips for kids with ADHD and selective mutism.
- The Autism Research Institute (ARI) is presenting a new webinar titled Examing the Transition to Adulthood in Autism: Challenges and Opportunities in the Aim of Thriving. This free event takes place on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 1 p.m. (EDT). Results from a study focused on the transition to adulthood for those with autism will be presented in the webinar. This new research included considerations for advancing service access and navigation, employment support, and post-secondary education access for adults on the spectrum.