September 16, 2021
- A new study implicates altered hippocampal structure and function in autism spectrum disorder. Social interaction, spatial reasoning, and memory are supported by the hippocampus, which is also impaired in those with ASD. The critical window of development for the hippocampus is between 12 and 24 months, the same time symptoms of autism typically emerge.
- Iron supplements did not improve cognition in infants according to recent research published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study demonstrated that cognitive development was no different among infants exposed to iron supplements and those infants given a placebo. The supplements also failed to improve other developmental and growth outcomes.
- A new brief report describes the clinical course of three young men with ASD who developed mania or psychosis after the consistent use of cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The authors caution the use of cannabis for individuals with ASD until large-scale, replicated randomized controlled trials demonstrate efficacy, safety and tolerability.
- Don’t miss ARI’s free webinar School During COVID-19: Using Visuals. This presentation will feature evidence-based strategies for using visual supports at school as students navigate rules and health guidelines in classrooms during the ongoing pandemic. The webinar starts at 1 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, September 22nd.