Researchers Document Reversal of Severe Autism Diagnoses in Twins Through Comprehensive Treatment

July 01, 2024

Environmental and Lifestyle Modifications, Including Dietary Changes and Vision Therapy, Show Significant and Sustained Improvements

A new case series from a team of researchers, including Dr. Richard Frye, has documented the reversal of Level 3 (i.e., requiring very substantial support) Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses in dizygotic toddler twin girls over a two-year period primarily through comprehensive environmental and lifestyle modifications. These modifications included dietary changes, occupational therapy, physical exercise, vision therapy, and strict adherence to personalized therapeutic interventions guided by a multidisciplinary team of practitioners, including a coach, physician, dietitian, occupational therapist, and optometrist. The significant improvements observed in the twins have persisted for over six months with no signs of regression, highlighting the parents’ exceptional commitment and communication with practitioners, which was critical to the success of the interventions. The authors suggest this case series emphasizes the potential for personalized, comprehensive treatment approaches, including both conventional therapies and tailored environmental and lifestyle changes, in managing and potentially reversing severe autism symptoms. These findings suggest that while such interventions can be effective, they may not be easily accessible or affordable for all families. The study calls for further research into personalized, multi-modality treatments to optimize outcomes for individuals with autism, given the substantial social and economic implications of the disorder. 

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