Iron Deficiency Linked to Sleep Disorders in Children with Autism and ADHD

September 23, 2024

Research Shows a Strong Connection Between Iron Deficiency and Restless Leg Syndrome,

A recent study conducted from 2021 to 2023 in Vancouver examined the role of iron deficiency (ID) in sleep/wake disorders among children, particularly those with neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Of the 250 patients, 80% met the criteria for non-anemic or anemic ID, and 74% showed signs of restless leg syndrome (RLS), with 52% having a family history of the condition. A significant link was discovered between ID and sleep disorders, with ADHD patients nearly twice as likely to have RLS and patients with ASD facing a 70% higher risk of familial RLS. Additionally, a family history of ID notably increased the likelihood of insomnia and periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS). The authors suggest that their findings underscore the importance of evaluating iron levels and family history in children with restless behaviors, presenting a potential strategy to enhance sleep and overall well-being for individuals on the autism spectrum.

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